5 reasons to film in Romania

Romania has a lot to offer filmmakers; not least their hard working crew and film services for lower than average prices. But – though attractive – that is not all. Here we take a look at some other reasons to film in this beautiful East European country.

Author: Iuliana Tarnovetchi

Published: 20 Aug 2014

Romania has a lot to offer filmmakers: not least their hard working crew and film services for lower than average prices. But – though attractive – that is not all. Here we take a look at some other reasons to film in this beautiful East European country.

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Sound stages and studios can be found in close proximity of Romania’s capital Bucharest, making it an easy experience to shoot both on location and on set in Romania without the hassle of having to travel for hours.

Low cost:

Companies directly involved in the cinematographic film production, distribution and exhibition benefit from exemption from payment of custom duties for imports of cinematographic equipment, film, processing substances and other goods used in the cinematographic industry not produced in Romania. Even though a tax incentive system is not yet in place, production costs in Romania offer an attractive alternative.

Unspoiled natural locations:

Romania is one of those geographically diverse countries in Europe where you can find a variety of natural locations in relative close proximity of each other. From the beautiful woods in the Carpathian Mountains to the beaches and waters of the Black Sea – all is available. Furthermore, in Bucharest filmmakers can find a mix of buildings and areas reflecting particular architectural periods and styles to accommodate, for example, a whole range of time-specific dramas.

Affordable set construction:

Romania can offer a high level of set construction for affordable costs with hard working, talented production designers and set decorators, who are experienced in foreign productions. Over the years, all types of movies have been serviced in the country, from period dramas to horror and sci-fi.

Versatile costume design abilities:

Romania has one of the biggest textile industries in Europe. Local teams costume designers and seamstresses can make the best costumes to order: from military to civilian, ancient to contemporary: whether it is a Batman cape or a nineteenth century gown.

KFTV would like to thank Iuliana Tarnovetchi, producer and managing director of Alien Film Productions for her help in collating this article.

For more information about filming in Romania, please take a look at our production guide.

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