A Christmas poem for all our readers

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all round the world,
Screenwriters vied to get their stories heard...

Author: Nia Daniels

Published: 17 Dec 2014

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all round the world,

Screenwriters vied to get their stories heard.

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To producers and honchos they did make their pitch

And hoped they went off without a hitch or a glitch.

The lucky ones whooped as the greenlights did flash

And the money men started to offload their cash.

Cumberbatch, Hiddlestone, Hardy and co

Prepared for their close-ups, with passports in tow.

Johansson and Lawrence, Scorsese and Brandt

All travelled the globe with their carnets in hand.

The studios beckoned and the units convened

As productions geared up for 2015.

But none of these films or commercials or shows

Would ever get made without the work of the pros.

The commissions, permitters and locations support,

And the wonderful, talented crew we exhort.

So we raise our glasses with just one final plea

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