Jurassic World sequel prepares for UK filming

A sequel to the dinosaur adventure Jurassic World will start filming at a UK studio in the coming weeks.

Author: Nick Goundry

Published: 17 Feb 2017

Jurassic World

A sequel to the dinosaur adventure Jurassic World will start filming at a UK studio in the coming weeks.

The movie starts production nearly two years after the release of Jurassic World, which saw the dinosaur franchise rebooted in spectacular fashion after a 15-year gap.

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Jurassic World delivered $1.6bn in worldwide box office, proving the continuing global appeal of dinosaur adventures. The movie filmed its studio work in Louisiana – one of America’s main production hubs – so the move to the UK for the follow-up is a marked change.

Location filming for the next sequel will also reportedly film scenes in Hawaii, which is the most commonly-used US location for stories with jungle settings.

The UK is one of the world’s top filming locations and a popular choice for big-budget Hollywood studio films looking for generous tax credits, studios and experienced crew. London is in fact considered one of California’s main competitors as a filming location.

London has been the production base for Lucasfilm’s three most recent Star Wars films as well as a standalone movie about the early career of Han Solo.

International films spent nearly £1.4bn in the UK in 2016, representing the vast majority (85%) of total production spending for the year, according to recent figures from the British Film Institute.

Image: Chuck Zlotnick/Universal Pictures

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