India signs filming pact with Nordic commissions

Producers Guild of India has signed a filming co-operation pact with Nordic Film Commissions to help build production relationships between the regions.

Author: Nick Goundry

Published: 04 Mar 2019


Producers Guild of India has signed a filming co-operation pact with Nordic Film Commissions to help build production relationships between the regions.

Nordic Film Commissions represents the industries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

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The agreement will involve a sharing of best-practice industry ideas relating to film production and promotion across the regions, while also fostering deeper cultural understandings.

“Hopefully this collaboration will also lead to more common content development and co-productions of TV series and film projects between India and the Nordic countries,” said Mikael Svensson, vice president of Nordic Film Commissions.

India has only limited appeal as an international filming location due in part to a lack of incentive support. However, the country has one of the world’s largest domestic production industries and frequently films movies and other types of content in the Nordic regions as producers search for exotic cold-weather locations and visually-striking urban environments.

Iceland is the international production hub of the Nordic regions, with wilderness locations easily accessible from Reykjavik and backed up by generous incentive support.

Finland and Norway have launched their own, more limited incentive programmes in the last couple of years and Norway is on track to host location filming for the new James Bond movie.

Image: Orc

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