Robin Wright to film wilderness movie in Canada

Actor and producer Robin Wright is to film in British Columbia for her feature directorial debut, survival story Land.

Author: Nick Goundry

Published: 02 May 2019

Robin Wright

Actor and producer Robin Wright is to film in British Columbia for her feature directorial debut, survival story Land.

Wright will also star in the movie that follows a lawyer consumed by grief who retreats to a remote cabin in the US state of Wyoming where she faces a daily struggle to survive.

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Big Beach of New York is financing the film, with Allyn Stewart, Lora Kennedy, Big Beach co-founder Peter Saraf and Leah Holzer as the producers.

Wright is a veteran of Netflix’s political drama House of Cards (pictured), starring in the series since its launch and also directing multiple episodes.

“Robin proved herself a tour de force taking in hand House of Cards as a director as well as its lead actor,” said Stewart, managing director of sale company HanWay Films.

“She speaks very eloquently and passionately about wanting to tell the story of a woman’s journey through loss and pain, where only by giving herself to nature can she find a path to inner peace and redemption.

“It is a unique cinematic experience of huge scale, yet speaks to our basic human need for more earthy simplicity in this busy noisy world.”

British Columbia is one of Canada’s top production hubs, with wilderness locations available within just a few hours of Vancouver.

Drama A Million Little Things is one of the most recent productions to have filmed in Vancouver, telling the story of how a suicide impacts the lives of a group of adult friends. Producers doubled Vancouver for Boston and spent around C$30m in the region.

See KFTV's production guide for more on filming in British Columbia.

Image: Netflix

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