BBC Studioworks to run new Glasgow studio

The iconic building first opened as an exhibition venue in 1927

Author: Nia Daniels

Published: 08 Dec 2021

Kelvin Hall via STV

BBC Studioworks will operate the new TV studio at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, it has been announced. 

BBC Studioworks is a commercial subsidiary of the BBC which provides studios and post-production services to the TV industry. The news illustrates BBC Studioworks’ aim to open additional studios across the UK, and is in direct response to growing demand to make more TV shows in Scotland, thus fuelling regional growth of the screen sector. 

The Kelvin Hall studio in Glasgow is co-funded by the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council. Due to open in the autumn of 2022, the facility is around 10.500 sq ft, will be multi-camera and will offer gallery suites and ancillary areas including dressing rooms, a green room and offices. 

The studio will also use 100% renewable energy and has been designed for LED lighting.

“Glasgow is a key creative hub, laying the foundations for our expansion outside London,” said Andrew Moultrie, CEO, BBC Studioworks.

“Kelvin Hall provides much needed purpose-built studio space in Scotland, meeting growing demand from broadcasters, production companies and SVODs alike to produce there. Drawing on our decades of expertise and unrivalled customer service, we will help grow the local workforce to deliver more local productions and support the continued development of sector-specific skills in Scotland.”

“Today’s announcement that BBC Studioworks will be the tenant operator of Kelvin Hall is fantastic news for the city,” said Councillor Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council.

“BBC Studioworks will draw on their wealth of experience in the industry to develop Kelvin Hall as an important and attractive film and television location, continuing Glasgow’s rise in this sector. Kelvin Hall will be a nationally significant production facility that will enable productions and jobs to stay and grow in the city, further driving the development of our thriving creative industries, and adding to Glasgow’s economic growth.”

“It is almost two years since we first met with BBC Studioworks to discuss their ambitions for an entertainment-focused studio outwith London,” said David Smith, director of screen at Screen Scotland. 

“We have worked with them, alongside the fantastic team at Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Government since early 2020 to land this opportunity for Scotland. We look forward to working with BBC Studioworks on training and skills development opportunities around the Kelvin Hall studio, and with the BBC’s commissioning team on all of the new programmes and series from Scotland that will be made in the decades to come.”

Image, l-r:

Tim Davie, Director General, BBC
Angus Robertson, Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture
Andrew Moultrie, CEO, BBC Studioworks
Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council
Iain Munro, Chief Executive of Creative Scotland

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