Q&A with Josh Patil, executive producer at Baliprod in Indonesia

Patil talks about the variety of Indonesian locations that can double for anywhere from Hawaii to the Amalfi coast, and how they’ve adapted with remote streaming technology

Author: Chris Evans

Published: 28 Jan 2022

Josh Patil, Executive Producer of Baliprod

KFTV talks with Josh Patil, Executive Producer of leading Indonesian production service providers, Baliprod, about how they've adapted in these Covid times and why Indonesia is such an appealing shooting location...

Can you tell me about your company, Baliprod, and the services you provide?

Baliprod is a full-service production house. We work with both international and local brands. Our sweet spots are commercial TVCS and video productions. We handle all of the logistics of production in Indonesia and South Asia. 

Who works for you and what experience do they have?

We have a long list of experienced directors and cinematographers who have worked with us over the years. Baliprod is really proud to have a diverse workforce from all over the world, who have worked in all types of advertising, from cars to storytelling, and feature films.

What makes you and your location stand out from the competition? 

Bali is a very unique place for film production, specifically the types of locations we can offer. When most people think of Bali they think, sun, sea, beaches, jungles - which of course we have - but what many don't know is we also have many different types of architecture, infrastructure, cities and towns that can double for places all over the world. We have look-a-like European highways with roads can that double up as the Amalfi coast. 

This allows us to compete with the top production companies in the world. It also allows us to be able to shoot what looks like a Spanish house or Hawaiian backdrop for a hell of a lot less money. 

Additionally, the talent pool here in Bali is very unique. Bali is literally a melting pot. We have people from every single walk of life. We can cast for anywhere in the world, if you want to shoot a scene from Jamaica and only want to cast talent with a dark complexion, Baliprod has you covered. 

Have you worked on many productions recently?

For all production houses, its’ been a challenge. But in true Baliprod spirit, we have managed to power through and continued working with some top brands, including Honda, Levis, H&M, L’Oréal and Garnier, and various documentaries that are due to be released soon. We’ve also created a helpful blog, with guidelines for shooting in this current Covid environment, which has been adopted by several productions.

How have your services/working practices changed and adapted to suit client needs in the current environment?

After the COVID-19 pandemic started, we created and started to use remote shooting protocols, utilizing Qtake and Zoom. With this streaming technology it is very easy to communicate while on set even if we have a director in Argentina, a creative agency in France and a client in Singapore.

With Elgato Cam Link 4K technology we can stream a feed live from any camera with an HDMI output without HDCP encryption. Almost all digital motion cameras fit the bill and all of the favourites (Alexa Mini, Red, etc..) can use this system with ease. The camera will connect to a computer and our crew will broadcast it using Youtube Live or directly within a Zoom conference call.

Apart from the camera feed, we also set up a webcam on set so you can see the crew and the set up as well as being able to directly communicate with the producer, 1st AD, DoP or any other departments.

Alternatively, for bigger projects, there is the advanced set up with QTake, which gives you the option to use mix and overlay for more technical needs depending on the project.

We have to ensure we have superfast, reliable wifi connections wherever we are in the country. We are extremely grateful and pleased we can still do what we love, providing our talent and production to clients in other parts of the world that haven’t been able to access Indonesia physically.

Do many commercial/film/TV projects shoot in Indonesia each year?

Commercially there are tons, Jakarta is a huge commercial hub. The number of International projects shooting here has been growing rapidly over the years, as have the number of international production service providers. This is thanks to the the locations, talent and equipment available. 

With TV there is one big studio in Indonesia, they are booked out back-to-back with film and TV projects. 

The big boys like HBO and Netflix are developing projects locally not just for the Indonesian market but with worldwide appeal. 

Recent projects to shoot in Indonesia recently include Marco Polo, Buffalo Boys, A World Without, The Night Comes For Us, VHS 94, Gossip Girl (Indonesia), Pretty Little Liars (Indonesia), and A Perfect Fit

What is appealing about shooting and working in Indonesia? (locations, quality of crew, equipment etc)

The most appealing thing about shooting in Indonesia is the diversity of the locations we have. We have international quality crew for a fraction of the price. One of the frequent questions I get asked is: “Do you have quality cameras and equipment there in Bali?”, and I assure everyone we literally have everything to create high-quality content. The only thing I would say we don't have is Techno Cranes & Russian Arms. 

What are the unique qualities of filming in Bali?

The best work-life balance ever. I mean let’s be honest who doesn’t love to come to shoot in Bali and stay in a lush hotel or villa, whilst enjoying beachside downtime. Getting to work and also experiencing everything you experience as a traveller is most definitely the quality of filming in Bali. 

Are there any great lesser-known Indonesian locations you’ve filmed in?

Did you know we have snow in one part of Indonesia? I certainly didn’t until I moved here. You will find it at the top of the mountains in Jaya Wijaya (Papua). Another pretty epic landmark is the Jesus Statue Toraja (Sulawesi) which looks like Christ the Redeemer in Brazil.

A personal favourite though is the island of Flores - it has everything anyone could dream of. 

Labuan Bajo on the islands of Flores

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