Local production service companies are integral to production efficiency

"The local location manager [can] tell you what you can actually do, and what you can't do."

Author: Gabriella Geisinger

Published: 28 Jun 2023

Michael Glaser; Cr: Mediterrane Film Festival

At a panel discussing the use of physical locations in film production, LA based location manager Michael Glaser cited the importance of having local production service crews and location managers.

The panel took place at the Mediteranne Film Festival in Malta yesterday (June 27).

"It's invaluable to have a local production service company and a location manager attached [to a production]" said Glaser.

They help you learn "to treat the location like it should be treated" and  "know the ropes."

Glaser cites a steep learning curve as playing a big part in that necessity, with local production services and managers knowing things like where to park, how to park, what does it take to close a street, etc. 

Even state to state within the US there is a need for state-based services.

"[State's] promise 'you can film here, we can do that.' And then you get there and it's a different story," he said.

"That's why the the local location manager is crucial, because they tell you what you can actually do what you can't do."

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