World of Studios international edition — Autumn 2023 is out now

Featuring our in-depth report on animation studios

Author: Gabriella Geisinger

Published: 26 Sep 2023

World of Studios international edition — Autumn 2023

What World of Studios strives to do in every issue is offer our readers a holistic and informative view of the internationalfilm, television and commercial studio landscape. As always, our listing guide features key information about studios all over the globe. You can find their location, size, infrastructure details and key offerings, as well as contacts.

Our goal with this comprehensive listing is so that every step of your production is well-informed and accurate. However, what makes this issue in particular very special is our deep-dive feature, which focuses on the wonderful world of animation studios. 

Some of the key players in animation spoke to us about the things that make their studios unique. We plunged into the world of stop-motion with Aardman and ShadowMachine; investigated the beauty of combining hand-drawn techniques and cutting-edge technology with Studio Chizu and DreamWorks; we spoke to studios across the globe — from India to Portugal — about the programs that make them tick, how far animation has come since the days of sending paper via FedEx and where they see their studios headed. This curiosity and research is what makes World of Studios stand out.

We care about every detail that goes into making your production happen — from the ways in which studios future-proof themselves to the talented people who keep them going. We hope that you — like us — are enlightened by each other and the projects you create, whether it’s children’s infotainment, commercials, television series or films. Wherever you sit in the lifecycle of a project, this guide and its accompanying feature offer not only insight but also inspiration, so we can all continue to tell interesting, beautiful stories.

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