The Kader Film Vocational Training Programme aims to place below the line talent in international film productions like 'Goodbye Julia'
Author: Gabriella Geisinger
Published: 05 Jan 2024
The Saudi Film Commission has announced the Kader Film Vocational Training Programme as part of its fourth annual Filmmakers Programme.
The Filmmakers Program will train 4,000 individuals through 100 in-person events and 50 online workshops on pre-production, marketing and distribution and in person training in scriptwriting, directing, acting, location scouting, sound design, animation, safety on set, visual effects, festival management, and more.
The Kader program connects established and other local filmmakers to various productions around the world for three to four weeks, to gain experience and practical training.
A minimum of two years of experience in the field is required for entry. Upon registration, filmmakers will be categorised according to their skills and specialisations then nominated to various partner productions for below-the-line positions within the production and post-production phase including camera operation, production design, directing, hair and makeup, sound design, wardrobe, music composition, stunts, special effects, and montage.
The programme was unveiled at the Riyadh Boulevard City’s Muvi Cinema on Monday, January 1. SFC's CEO Abdullah Al-Eyaf said: “Our goal is to present Saudi films to Saudis and the world. Our number one strategy at the Film Commission is developing talent."
The Filmmakers Programme includes masterclasses by industry talent such as Mohamed Kordofani, director of Goodbye Julia.
The Kader Program was in part inspired by the hiring of Saudi filmmakers on global productions including the aforementioned Goodbye Julia and Amjad Al Rasheed's Inshallah A Boy, among others internationally.
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