The six-part supernatural series is led by co-showrunners Simon Uttley and Neil Marshall
By Priyanca Rajput 14 Nov 2022
London/Singapore-based international content investment studio, 108 Media, is set to produce the upcoming live-action supernatural, returning series Nightshade.
The six-part series is led by co-showrunners Simon Uttley and Neil Marshall, who will be directing the pilot.
Sprung from the deep genre wellspring of the Marshall-Uttley writing partnership, the world of Nightshade is set in a bustling 18th century English port city visited by a diverse manner of international traders, rogues, and vagabonds. We meet our heroine – the half English and half Indian outcast Lizzie Monroe who transforms herself into a defiant masked outlaw avenger – Nightshade – to rescue her brother James from the treacherous underworld realm of The Veil, where werewolves, demons, warlocks, and evil creatures beyond our imagination reside, after he is slain by a monstrous satanic cult run by powerfully sinister men in politics, religion, and industry. During their treacherous journey back to one another, the Monroes will discover that the supernatural forces arrayed against them represent merely the vanguard of a far greater threat and that they are caught in the opening salvos of a war between humanity and the forces of darkness.
Speaking about the series, Emmy-nominated Marshall (Games of Thrones, Westworld) said: “Make no mistake about it, this will be a Neil Marshall show through and through. When it’s scary, and it will be, often, then it will be very scary. When it’s necessary to be violent, it will be violent. Every punch will land hard and break bones, and every sword thrust will cut and sting.”
Co-showrunner Uttley, who conceptualised the world-building with Marshall and will co-write the series said: “We could not be more excited to bring the story of Nightshade to the screen with our partners at 108 Media. This is a character and a world we’ve dreamed of exploring. Nightshade is adventure, heroism, horror, action, mystery, and mythology - and we cannot wait for audiences to see what we have in store for you all.”
Joining Marshall and Uttley as executive producers will be 108 Media’s Abhi Rastogi, Justin Deimen, and Rod Smith.
Filming locations are to be confirmed.
Rod Smith, VP, Scripted Entertainment (108 Media) added: “I am very excited to be working with our creative team on this dynamic and exciting new series. Neil’s vision for this is breath-taking; and we look forward to unleashing this fast and furious adventure series and fresh mythology into the world.”
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